Sleeve Gastrectomy consists of the resection of 80% of the stomach (body, fundus), through the use of surgical staplers. This procedure has gained wide acceptance in recent years due to the fact that is associated with a lower rate of complications, shorter operative time, and lower risk of nutritional deficiencies and malnutrition, compared to other procedures, such as RYGB or BPD DS.

Another advantage of this procedure is that the rest of the gastrointestinal tract (small bowel) remains intact since this procedure includes exclusively the stomach.

On the other hand, some of the disadvantages of this technique are the development of GERD in up to 25% of the patients and its irreversible nature. Related to the latter, this surgery is not recommended for patients with history of GERD.

This procedure is the ideal one to do in young women who has the desire for conception and pregnancy in the coming years, patients with history of chronic diseases or in long-term use of medications, such as, history transplantation, inflammatory bowel disease, autoimmune diseases; history of multiple abdominal surgeries, high-risk patients.

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